In 2018, GAIA Vaccine Foundation launched a study to evaluate a paired “Mother-Daughter” cervical cancer prevention program that offers free cervical cancer screenings to women and HPV vaccinations to girls. Funded by a Merck&Co. Investigator Studies Program grant, the year-long program supported the following activities:
5 community clinics partnerships
Capacity building training for nurses, midwives, and peer educators
Educational outreach programs in the 5 neighborhoods with the "story-telling cloth"
Free cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination
6 months of follow-up services for the 2nd dose of the HPV vaccine
Based on healthcare provider feedback, Eliza created the textile design with geometric flowering patterns based on mathematical multiples of 6 and 12 petals. Both numbers serve as reminders built into the pattern: girls need the 2nd dose of the vaccine 6 months after the first, and women need a follow-up screening 12 months after a normal screen. The logo for the program displays a woman and girl’s profiles encircled with the Malian proverb, “It is better to prevent than to cure,” and French slogan, “Screened Mothers and Vaccinated Daughters.”
Impact: During the yearlong campaign, 5,611 women received free cervical cancer screening and treatment, and 793 girls received the HPV vaccine.
Two colorways of the design were produced at COMATEX, the Malian Textile Company, based in Segou, Mali. Fabric was distributed to nurses, midwives, and community outreach workers at the five participating clinics in Bamako, Mali.